About The Author


914.462.2299 (Direct Telephone)

914.514.1673 (Facsimile)

douglascastle (Skype, By Appointment)

douglas.castle@yahoo.com (Email - Preferred)

douglas.castle@icloud.com (Email - Large Document Transfers, By Arrangement)

Douglas Castle is a senior level expert in all matters of high-level corporate negotiations, deal structure and finance, strategic planning, international business, major project management and all aspects of business communication. He speaks, consults and writes frequently about these subjects, as well as about key aspects of leadership, crisis management and the Human Condition. He has authored a great many articles on a very wide variety of subjects. Mr. Castle is currently a private consultant to young companies in several different countries.

Mr. Castle has been, and continues to be a seasoned and acclaimed advisor, director and trustee to emerging enterprises and growing companies worldwide, across a broad variety of industries on matters of organizational development, strategic planning, financing (both institutional equity and debt), international incorporations and negotiating of joint ventures, licenses of intellectual property, and mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Castle’s current passions are centered upon leveraging his wealth of experience in high-stakes corporate negotiations, deal structure, organizational engineering, strategic planning, business communications, social media marketing campaigns and financing to foster innovation and entrepreneurial growth and success in promising early-stage companies.

Mr. Castle’s professional resume has encompassed: international banking, asset-based financing, merchant banking (equity), factoring, purchase order financing, trade financing, leasing, sale/leaseback transactions, credit enhancement and surety bonding, transactional structuring (mergers, acquisitions, LBOs, ESOPs, management buy-outs, transnational and domestic co-ventures), real estate investment syndication, and the creation and monetization of unique investment instruments.

He has written and presented operating plans for international and offshore banks, finance companies, leasing companies, guarantee (bonding and other credit enhancements) companies to various financial institutions and government agencies and ministries; he has chartered a number of international commercial and economic development banks and reinsurance companies in multiple offshore and international jurisdictions -- these institutions had a combined aggregate capitalization at their operating outset of in excess of US$12,800,000,000.00.

During the past thirty five years, he has also incorporated close to one hundred IBCs (International Business Companies) and formed more than a dozen APTs (Asset Protection Trusts) in conjunction with domestic and international legal counsel across many business sectors. He has worked as a turnaround expert for troubled US and UK companies, and has renegotiated loan terms with banks, other creditors, bondholders and shareholders for these companies, both as pre-bankrupts, and as debtors-in-possession or trustees-in-possession.

Some of Mr. Castle’s prior engagements have included: Chairman of Global Edge International Consulting Associates, Inc.; Executive Director of Global Business Intel™, an unincorporated Division of Global Edge Technologies Group, LLC; Director and Senior Consultant of The Castle Consultancy; Managing Director and Member of Global Edge Technologies Group LLC; Acting Chairman and CEO of TNNWC Group, LLC; Senior Financial Analyst In Charge Of Special Projects for National Westminster Bank, plc; Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Banking, Finance and Investments at the Hofstra University School Of Business; Director of Capitol Guaranty Surety Company Inc.; Director of First Empire Capital Corporation and First Empire Autolease, Inc.; Intelligence Contractor for Kroll International Inc.; Interim CEO for AGP Group (publicly-traded, subsequently privately purchased); Member of the Board Of Directors, Triangle Group International, Inc. (publicly-traded, subsequently divided into several private concerns, each one a Management Buyout); and numerous others.

Mr. Castle received his B.S. in Economics from Stony Brook University (1976), with Omicron Delta Epsilon honors (as well as a New York State Regents Scholarship), and he received his MBA in Public Accounting from The Hofstra University Graduate School Of Business (with a graduate fellowship) in 1979.

Mr. Castle is a passionate and prolific speaker and writer about topics relating to Internationalism, futurism, leadership, negotiation, communication, and a variety of other non-financial topics.

You can obtain more information about Douglas Castle’s personal, educational and professional background by visiting his Linked In profile, which can be found by going to http://www.linkedin.com/in/douglascastle

Douglas Castle

914.462.2299 (Direct Telephone)

914.514.1673 (Facsimile)

douglascastle (Skype, By Appointment)

douglas.castle@yahoo.com (Email - Preferred)

douglas.castle@icloud.com (Email - Large Document Transfers, By Arrangement)

This document is Copyright © 2017 by Douglas Castle, with all rights reserved.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


https://ShatteredResistance.blogspot.com. New book of poetry offers insight into Bipolar illness. Available on Amazon either in paperback or in Kindle. Fabulous, timely poetic verse. Controversial and disturbing.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

5 Things Which Can Destroy Any Early-Stage Venture

There are five things (aside from the lack of adequate capitalization) which can [and will] destroy any early-stage venture, and I think it useful to cite them here:

1) A constant, persistent state and mindset of crisis management instead of organized planning and execution;

2) Micromanagement of all functions, emanating from the top down - an utter failure to delegate any responsibility;

3) A complete concentration of ultimate power in any one individual for all business decisions, with no checks, balances, offsets or process for appeals;

4) A complete reliance upon legal counsel to review and ultimately make all business decisions; and,

5) A failure to act in furtherance of decisions and good-faith promises already made.
If you are invited to work for a nascent enterprise which exhibits any of these characteristics, it is probably best to decline the invitation in the interest of keeping your samity intact and to allow yourself the freedom to pursue other potential opportunities which are not similarly doomed to failure.
I could have written an elaborate and verbose essay about these "things", but thought that I would be more effective if I just rolled them out in a direct, bulletized format. I hope that I have succeeded.
Thank you, as always, for reading me.  - Douglas Castle

Friday, December 29, 2017

4 Key Geopolitical Trends For 2018 - Be Aware

The following information was reproduced from a newsletter emailed to me from Stratfor WORLDVIEW (an excellent publication, which I highly recommend). I feel strongly that this information is critical to be studied as we rapidly approach the new year. While I am inclined to agree with most of what is set forth in the way of prognostication here, I do not certify the accuracy of the information as presented. I am also pleased to point out that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are not the "hot feature" of this piece of writing. - Douglas Castle
Four Key Geopolitical Trends
for 2018

The Stratfor Worldview team monitors and forecasts political, economic and security events across the globe. In this short video, hear about four geopolitical trends that you should watch for in 2018. 
Stay informed about the most significant geopolitical meetings and events planned for the year ahead. Watch Reva Goujon's video clip here.
Watch The Video Clip

Sunday, December 17, 2017

“SORRY” Has Become A Four-Letter Word

“SORRY” Has Become A Four-Letter Word

A profound and prolific apology after a colossal foul-up or political disaster has become an actual perfunctory insult to the offended or wronged parties. It sounds insincere, feels weak and needy, invites other questions (and other concessions) and makes you look foolish. No one says this better than author and success coach, Oren Klaff of “Pitch Anything”. The idea is to just work right past the error or gaffe and move forward, selling more strongly than ever. The text that follows comes from an email sent to me in 2016 (but it's still timely!) by Oren [I've left all of his grammatical and syntax errors intact, for which I make no apologies, and I've left his not-altogether-too-subtle sales pitches for his products as they appeared in the original text. Oren has some wonderful ideas and insights, except he desperately needs a proofreader... perhaps someone from Fiverr...]:

“Funny things pop out of my mouth from time to time. No preparation. No planning. It just happens. For example, a few weeks ago during a presentation to a group of financial analysts I said, “Guys, I
can’t sugar coat this for you ... I’m not #@%! WILLY WONKA.”
Although, I thought that was HILARIOUS at the time ... no one laughed. There was just some
uncomfortable coughing and a few chairs shuffled.

My first reaction was to apologize, so my mind starting forming the words,“ ... uhh, sorry about
that ..."

But my training kicked in, and I told myself: Keep moving forward, don’t explain yourself, do not act ‘needy’ or seek validation.

Ok, sure, I know that apologizing is necessary when we’ve clearly hurt someone else, violated a rule, or done something we know to be wrong. And saying sorry is a necessary step in some situations to repair the social fabric that keeps us connected to other people.

But in business, a gushing apology can be exactly the wrong move.

For example, WE ALL want to keep our clients happy, so it can be tempting to say “sorry” for things that get off track —
- but It’s important to recognize that apologizing unnecessarily can actually undercut your professionalism by displaying neediness and diminishing others’ confidence in you.

It reminds me of the other day when a CEO called and asked if he could see me. He had a serious problem, so we booked a meeting.

That’s how every week starts for me. Like an episode of SUITS, at 9am Monday, some kind of trouble walks through the door and I have 24 hours to save the client’s company or The Senior Partners Will Be Very Mad.

This client shuffled his way into my waiting room, downcast and dejected.

His shoulders slumped. He was in big trouble. When a guy looks like that, it’s either a woman problem or a money problem and given my track record, people usually don’t want my advice on women.

He told me what had happened at his company. His servers had crashed during a live event. Customers lost money.

“I have to go on the road and give my largest customers a personal apology,” he said, “or I’m going to lose a lot of business.”

“Tell me what you plan to say,” I said. ”Let me hear your pitch.”

And then came the El Niño of Bad Ideas:

He was going to apologize for a flaw that made the servers crash;
He was going to give discounts; and refunds.
And he planned to use the history of his relationship with the client, like Sal Tessio in The Godfather.
Sal Tessio: Can you get me off the hook, Tom? For old times' sake?
Tom Hagen: [shakes his head] Can't do it, Sally.
[Tom watches sadly as Sal is led to a waiting car]

Obviously, Sal was killed in that scene; as my client would get killed if he pleaded for forgiveness.
So, when he was done pouring his heart out, I poured him a cup of something strong and let him sip it slowly, preparing him for what I would say next:

There will be No Discounts. No Refunds. No Sob Story. “In fact,” I said, “you’re going to visit the customers, give them ONE quick and sincere ‘sorry’ and then upsell them to a higher level of service.”

His eyes opened wide.

I told him, when you highlight and dwell your own mistakes you trigger theRecency Effect — the
tendency to blow things that have just happened out of proportion.
In the business world, apologies, explanations, not to mention sappy pleas for mercy do nothing but stir up emotions and anger. My client needed to focus on the future.

First, I told this this CEO to read my book, PITCH ANYTHING. On page 157 I show that offering discounts and acting needy will actually harm a business relationship more than it helps.

Look, even your toughest clients will agree, the past is a done deal. It’s gone. Dust. They will accept that now is the time to turn over the Etch-a-Sketch and give it shake, wipe the slate clean.

Why You Should Only Give a Single Brief Word of Sorry After a High-Profile Mistake

No matter how sincere, your mea culpas can come off sounding empty. Only by taking the right action can you repair your broken reputation.

Consider for a moment, what do Charlie Sheen, Anthony Weiner and Tiger Woods all have in common?

They all apologized right after a major personal crisis.

I believe, in the US, this type of apology has become so cliché, it's lost all its credibility, because In short, we don't buy post-crises apologies anymore.

Here’s my four-point plan for cleaning up after any mistake:

1. Write a one-paragraph Big Idea nods to the mistake, but talks about the future. Then memorize it. Here’s an example:

Today’s servers are the most complex devices man has ever invented. They move terabytes of data in microseconds, and we humans have come to rely on them. Or perhaps the word is OVERRELY, for they are machines and they can fail. In fact, these failures are a right-of-passage for any fast growing company, letting them know, it’s time to upgrade, improve and invest in more infrastructure than ever before ...

2. No one expects you to be perfect. Accurately describe what new systems or procedures you're installing as soon as possible and sell the client that new level of service.

3. Pitch the client like you would a new account. Don’t count on their goodwill, just their desire to buy great service at a fair price from a good company. Give a CLEAR description your new improved level of service. If you need best pitch your industry has ever seen, jump over to Pitch Mastery, I’ll make sure you get it done.

4. Get professional help. If you find yourself in a “situation” where you’ve really messed up and first three steps above aren't enough to tamp-down the crisis, enlist the support of a credible third-party professional who knows how to build a script to handle this kind of situation. The president has a script writer, so do Fortune 500 CEO’s and franchise athletes ... you’re no less important and you should have one too.

Whatever you do, best not expect a gushing apology to work. We live in a jaded, cynical society that has had its fill of sketchy executives, politicians, celebrities and athletes. So truly, a modern crisis means never having to say you're sorry. It means MORE than that: fixing your act, communicating the fixes as they're done and then quickly reestablishing your reputation.

Don’t wait to learn how to handle yourself until you’re in a tight situation. If you haven’t already, buy PITCH ANYTHING now. And do sign up for a free trial of Pitch Mastery.

Forward this email to anyone you think might benefit from it, so they can get on our mailing list.

I have to run, another client just walked in the door, he’s wearing thick glasses and has a large computer. I’m not sure what the problem is here, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

See you next week when I cover the right way to start off any presentation (things I learned the hard way).


=> The Takeaway: Don't apologize unless you've truly hurt someone personally, lest you appear weak and incompetent. Take a lesson from the universally disliked (but desperately envied and admired) Donald Trump. Don't get caught in the quicksand of an apology.  Don't make it into an issue. Don't spend time falling into the trap of back peddling.

Thank you, as always, for reading me. - Douglas Castle

Saturday, December 9, 2017

NO NEWS IS BAD NEWS - Leadership Requires Communication!

In Silence, People Tend To Think The Worst
In Management And Leadership, Frequent Communication Is Essential

During prolonged periods of silence, people are left to wonder; that wondering leads to visualization of negative possibilities and potentials (generally speaking, and in accord with the basic insecurities of Human Beings). The longer and more absolute the silence, the more these negative thoughts tend to propagate. If you are a leader, manager or commander and you are silent, any one or several of the following assumptions will likely be made regarding your lack of communication – ironically, your lack of communication speaks volumes:

~ You are overwhelmed by your workload, and you are not competent to handle the enormous responsibilities of leadership;

~ You are either ignoring your responsibilities and/or are searching for another role to play in another organization;

~ You have received devastatingly negative news that you are afraid to confront or announce;

~ You are disappointed in the work being performed by your subordinates, and you are either too disgusted with them to communicate with them or you are passively/aggressively punishing those guilty parties by depriving them of your attention;

~ You have lost your impetus and momentum as a driver, and are not accomplishing anything – therefore, you've nothing about which to converse.

Any of the above suppositions, all of which are common in cases of a lack of top-down communication, are bad for your personal brand, effectiveness, and relationship with your troops (or employees). You will be rendered less of a standard-bearer and more of a bag of ballast – and those who report to you will think 1) that the ship may be sinking on your watch, or 2) that they are failing you significantly enough to be rendered unworthy of your attention.

Communication, powerful and frequent, is one of the hallmarks of a truly good leader. Those whom you are charged with the responsibility of leading must know your status as well as their own in order for the enterprise not to fall prey to the ever-disabling rumor mill. Good leadership requires good communication skills as well as charisma and all of the other personality and management-style attributes I've discussed so many times before in other posts and articles.

If you need a quick reminder (in the style of the late lawyer Johnny Cochran), “If you don't converse, things will get worse.”

Whether the news is good or bad – don't ever let your troops, employees or teammates think that you are a cagey introvert (although you may well be one) or an escapist. Intensely introspective, quiet personalities may make for fine actuaries, but they generally make for poor leaders.

Thank you, as always, for reading me. - Douglas Castle

Some Tags, Labels, Keywords, Search Terms And Categories For This Article:
leadership, communication, introversion, extroversion, management style, morale, industrial psychology, leadership qualities, news, transparency, personal brand, Douglas Castle.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Funding Startups Through Joint Ventures

Funding Startups Through Joint Ventures
Why It Might Be Smart To Form A Partnership With An Established Business

Entrepreneurs with brand-new pre-revenue companies, developmental-stage enterprises (DSEs) and fledgling companies having won their first client contracts are, generally speaking, desperately in need of capital. And, generally speaking, most funding sources shy away from companies with limited operating histories and limited tangible collateral assets. Yet these intrepid (but naive) newcomers insist on shopping the capital markets in search of either an investor or lender who will make them the “special exception” and grant them free rein and total discretion with a pile of money. Shopping in this marketplace is all too often a waste of time.

A more viable alternative for any one of these entities in need of cash might be to form a joint venture with an established and synergistic (or complementary) company. Not only do some of these existing companies have capital and credit lines of their own, but in many cases their management teams [at the senior level] have business acumen, contacts and other non-financial resources that can be leveraged by their younger counterpart in the joint venture relationship.

The key, of course, is in finding the right joint venture partner. In order to insure a productive, long-lasting (and non-traumatizing), entrepreneurs might give serious thought to utilizing the services of an outside management consulting firm or agency to facilitate the matchmaking process and to advise and assist in negotiating terms. In the immediate term, this may cost a bit of money, but in the near-term and the longer term, engaging the services of an independent third-party professional firm may save you the costs of a meandering, time-consuming, trial-and-error process.

Give some sincere thought to either financing your startup though a joint venture, or, if you are a well-established organization, to seeking out fresh, new co-venturing and licensing opportunities through an impartial, experienced consultant. In a well-crafted joint venture, all parties win.

If you have questions or thoughts regarding this brief article, please contact me via email at douglas.castle@yahoo.com .

As always, thank you for reading me. - Douglas Castle

Tags, Labels And Key Terms For This Article:
startups, joint ventures, funding, finance, venture capital, credit, incubators, accelerators, Douglas Castle, entrepreneur,

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Leadership: Delegate Or Die!

Leadership: Delegate Or Die
One Of the Most Important Responsibilities Of A Leader Is To Delegate Responsibility
By: Douglas Castle

To be a leader and to maintain a position of leadership, you must be a competent and efficient delegator. By the act of delegating, you are not reliquishing control – you are actually expanding the realm and scope of your control. The larger the responsibilities and the larger the organization, the more proficient you must be at delegation.

In the military, “delegation” is defined as the action by which a commander assigns part of his or her authority commensurate with the assigned task to a subordinate commander. While ultimate responsibility cannot be relinquished, delegation of authority carries with it the imposition of a measure of responsibility. The extent of the authority delegated must be clearly stated.
Your success at delegation will determine the strength and length of your reign as a leader and commander. The most significant insights and skills which are required in successful delegation are listed below. They are worth studying:

=> If you are obsessive-compulsive by your nature, do all that you can to rationally counterbalance this dangerous impediment to effective delegation. You cannot micromanage and be a leader. You cannot be the servant of your subordinates because you are insistent about things being done exactly as you would have them done;

=> You must constantly keep the big picture and the broader focus in mind. If you are a perfectionist and overly detail-oriented, you will never be able to attain your organizational objectives while mired in minutiae [this is a sophisticated alliteration -- wouldn't you agree?];

=> Understand all of your responsibilities, and itemize or componentize each of them. You'll find that each individual component can be delegated (as it must) to someone in your organization whom you can select. If the right individual is not among your inventory of Human Assets, then you must either replace some of your people, or your must acquire some new members with the requisite skill sets. The objective is to export as many of your responsibilities as possible, while retaining the central responsibility of organizational stewardship, oversight and goal attainment;

=> When you delegate responsibility for the accomplishment of a task or function, also remember to grant the requisite authority and to impose the necessary accountability upon the person to whom you've charged with the job. Responsibility without authority is a recipe for managerial impotence and non-performance. Responsibility without accountability is a recipe for waste, abuse and failure;

=> Since you, as a leader, are ultimately responsible for the successful and efficient attainment of your organization's most important goals, you must constantly monitor the performance of those to whom you've delegated, without being drawn in to correcting their mistakes yourself. Observe, measure, suggest, monitor and determine whether the subject task has been assigned to the right individual; sometimes a change may be warranted.

=> Where you observe leadership potential in some of those persons to whom you've delegated tasks, you may find it wise to increase their roster or responsibilities, but to also grant them greater authority to sub-delegate to others who are subordinate to them. Remember that the greatest leaders know how to identify and cultivate leadership within their organizations. Be aggressive and bold about identifying and leveraging the leadership talents of other leaders wihin your organization. Encourage leadership and acceptance of increased responsibility. Reward it and give it appropriate recognition. Empowering other leaders liberates you to be a greater leader yourself.

=> As you develop leaders and assign them to their respective specialty areas (not unlike fiefdoms within a kingdom), clearly identify where each one's territory begins and ends. Clearly define their responsibilities with minimal overlap. Keep your subordinate leaders separated from each other (unless you are present and orchestrating or conducting a meeting or hearing reports) – fiefdoms should not compete, but neither should their feudal lords unite, lest they undermine the king's leadership. In brief, don't permit your subordinates to take you over. Delegate, but do so without ever permitting your absolute command from being undermined. Keep your emerging leaders separated from each other, and even instill a competitive spirit amongst them to 'fight' for your approval. 

The Take-Away: To expand the scope of your control, power and productivity, you must learn to delegate. Also, another important skill (but not the subject of this article) is the recruitment and mentoring of talent for the accelerated expansion of your corporate or military kingdom. 

As always, thank you for reading me.

- Douglas Castle

Labels, Tags, Keywords, Categories And Search Terms For This Article:

Monday, November 20, 2017

Managing The Virtual Enterprise

Managing The Virtual Business Enterprise
Being A Virtual Virtuoso
Managing Employees And Contractors Over Space And Time
The Unique Interpersonal Skills Required Of A Team Leader Or Project Manager Who Works Virtually

An aerial view of a virtual employee, stock photo style, which employee who could easily win the intergalactic prize for the neatest, most stereotypical and technologically incongruous desk of all time. [There - I’ve actually said it and we all feel better!]


With virtual enterprises being on the rise, the issue of how to direct and coordinate the efforts of a group of people working remotely is crucial. Certain management directives, as well as the deployment of certain technology will be essential to the success of the virtual enterprise. This article breaks this topic into two sections, one being “Communications Protocol” and the other being “Useful Technologies”. The bold assumptions here are that the enterprise at issue is completely virtual, that employees or contractors working from home offices each have a specific area of responsibility and corresponding accountability (and are fully aware of what is expected of them), and that it is your role, gentle reader, to manage their work efforts and their ultimate work product.

In the growing world of the virtual organization, the best natural or trained communicators and charismatic commanders will rise to the top as successes, whereas the more technically-oriented individuals taking the narrower view of business, i.e., those who manage processes and projects instead of managing people, will tend to lag behind in their ability to bring out the best in the employees and contractors as a group.

Communications Protocol

  1. Contact every employee or contractor at least once daily via telephone or Skype -- preferably via Skype due to its video feature, and simply inquire as to: A) what that individual is working on, B) does he or she require assistance or additional resources, C) whether or not he or she been in communication with any of the other team members, D) what his or her expectation is in terms of meeting his or her budget and performance deadlines, E) whether you might just have a look (either via email, screenshare or through collaboration tools) at what he or she has produced so far.

  1. Hold a weekly meeting of all employees and contractors in order to build the sensation of team, to allow for intelligence-sharing and brainstorming and to encourage open communications amongst all members of the group.

  1. Schedule meetings, as necessary, via telephone or Skype [Skype video is much better than mere telephone conversation because you have the additional dimension of body language to enhance the efficacy of interaction], with twosomes or other small groups of employees and contractors who may have dependent or overlapping responsibilities, or who may be at odds with each other for any number of reasons.

Communication should be frequent (short bursts), intensive and highly-focused. As the manager or project coordinator, you must also keep the entire team apprised of any changes in budgeted resources, expected timeframes, engagement scope, and the like. You must monitor their performance with great vigilance and you must foster a spirit of “team” and of “teammates”. You are the conductor of an orchestra with remote instrumentalists… and you are responsible not only for getting the best performance out of each virtuoso, but you must get the best performance out of the entire virtual orchestra, which requires providing frequent feedback and input.

Useful Technologies

Aside from the telephone and Skype, the following are all helpful collaboration, communication and cooperation tools which can be used by the manager to keep the virtual business tightly together and performing as a whole. Google has a suite of tools which are almost “made to order” for virtual teams needing to accomplish great and meaningful things.

GOOGLE DOCS - A great tool for sharing documents and for the cooperative authorship of documents such as reports, plans, etcetera. Certainly far more efficient than sending documents back and forth to groups of people as attachments to email correspondence. This is one of my favorites.

VIBER - A smartphone application which allows free international voice calling.

ALL OF THE OTHERS - A host of other contemporary (as of the date of this writing) tools is available to supplement the above. These are discussed in some detail in an article recently published by Time Doctor™. Just click on the link below for a wealth of information on these gizmos and gadgets:

Some Other Thoughts Regarding This Topic

  1. If your team is international, or if time zones may be an issue (even between New York and California), give very careful consideration to the times at which you contact individuals and arrange group meetings. For group meetings you might want to shift the weekly scheduled time (after giving very ample notice to all of your employees and contractors) to accommodate different people in different geographies.

  1. Use as many visual aids as possible to be clear and effective over time and distance.

  1. Be rapidly responsive when employees and contractors contact you; this might mean working an extended schedule to get the job done right.

  1. Don’t ever forget to offer praise and encouragement (and don’t be robotic - your team members will be more responsive to a Human than to a cheap science-fiction cyborg or automaton) -- these are part of sound management.

  1. As the manager of your virtual team, you are expected to A) know how to use each of the best collaboration tools, and B) to be ready, willing and able to remotely train your employees and contractors in the use of each of them. Waxing philosophical for a brief moment, in this life you must be a great student and a great teacher in order to truly be successful.

Lastly, remember that while a modicum of patience is critical in managing people, too much patience and empathy can make for poor leadership. And you can be certain that managing a virtual team requires emotional intelligence and people skills well beyond those required to manage a real-time, physically-grounded enterprise.

Thank you, as always, for reading me. - Douglas Castle

Monday, November 13, 2017

4IR: The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is Here.

4IR: The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is Here
What Is It?
How Does One Prepare For It?
Are You Prepared For It?

Is it just me, or does this remind you just a bit of the movie “ET”?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or 4IR (it has become very hip to speak in alphanumeric acronyms, although this is quite exclusionist, and creates communication problems between heterogeneous groups engaged in either conversation or combat…), is the fourth major industrial era since the initial Industrial Revolution of the 18th century.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is upon us right now (OMG!) has been described by some self-professed and oftimes pompous multidisciplinary pundits as a “range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, and impacting all disciplines, economies and industries.” Klaus Schwab, noteworthy Founder of the World Economic Forum, has associated it with the "second machine age" in terms of the effects of digitization and AI (“artificial intelligence”) on the economy, but added a broader role for advances in biological technologies.

Schwab sees as part of this revolution "emerging technology breakthroughs" in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles (accident-free driving, until driving automation systems are hacked, after which I can sense a bumper car jamboree!), 3D printing, quantum computing and nanotechnology. Schwab, in all of his wisdom, has neglected to include machine learning (different from AI) and stem cell technologies in his assessment and definition.

How do we prepare for this wave that is washing over us? I believe that the answer is in doing as much research and reading on every top news topic (the serious ones, and not the ones about celebrity misconduct or “discoveries” from the front pages of tabloids) that emerges. Education has now become our primary survival tool. It is a manual and arduous process (which is oddly ironic, especially in this age of automation and instantaneity), but it is what is required.

Lamentably, this revolution is going to open a wider gap between the few super-wealthy elites and the ever-growing ranks of the working poor. This situation, if it continues could actually foment a Fifth Industrial Revolution (i.e., 5IR) which could either lead to the end of history (in the most adverse sense of the expression), or to a frightening new form of total slavery, such as the world has never witnessed. I hope that I am proven wrong.

Thank you, as always, for reading me.   - Douglas

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Expectation Management: Crucial To Your Survival!

Expectation Management: Crucial To Your Survival

*If You Fail To Successfully Manage Expectations, You’ll Lose Your Business, Your Career And Your Friends
*Expectation Management Requires Clear And Frequent Communication
*It’s Very Difficult To Restore Trust, Once It Has Been Violated


Most people don’t really enjoy most types of surprises. We live, and plan our lives, upon certain expectations; they provide a modicum of stability in a changing, too often chaotic world. When these expectations turn out to fall short of the ultimate reality we experience, we get angry. That is, for better or for worse, Human Nature.

We are conflicted and caught between two cliches: One of them is “Always under-promise and over-deliver”. The other is (and I’m laughing while I write this) “It’s far better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission”. The first one is applicable in all but a few unusual and desperate circumstances.

In expectation management, the idea is to set realistic, achievable goals and to communicate through the entire step-by-step process with your customer or client. If a process step is going more slowly than expected, get in front of it and advise your customer or client of the anticipated delay -- and explain the reasons for it. Be candid - people will appreciate and respect you for it; you might not make them happy, but they won’t come running after you with a blowgun and a quiver of poison darts, either.

When you are going to have a prospect sign a contract, never, ever, just send it to him ‘cold’. He’s liable to misunderstand it, or suffer ‘sticker shock’ and reject your offer (no matter how generous it might be) because it was sprung upon him to suddenly. The general rule here is to discuss beforehand with the customer or client what he can expect to see in the contract -- this gives you an opportunity to break it all down into small pieces and explain it thoroughly. It’s easier to digest small pieces than to eat the whole moose in one go. And if your customer or client raises objections to certain parts, you can deal with each one of them conversationally, instead of in the heat of your customer’s or client’s consternation and anger.

In particular, people are intimidated by what they see in writing, but not as much by what they hear conversationally… especially if there is casual, spontaneous give and take. Disarm the written bomb (people view written agreements as if they were grand jury subpoenas, or draft notices) with conversation to satisfy expectation. The recipients of these mighty missives expect trickery and shenanigans. Their fears must be allayed in advance.

Nothing is better than speaking with a customer or client to whom you’ve just handed a written agreement and saying, “Here it is, exactly as we had discussed. Would you like to go over it again briefly, paragraph by paragraph?”

If you’ve done a masterful preparatory job, the customer or client might just say, “No. Let’s just sign this thing. I’m tired of talking about it. Let’s do it.”

As always, thank you for reading me. - Douglas

Friday, November 3, 2017

Remote Working: Here To Stay!

“Telecommutation is still sweeping the nation.” - Douglas Castle
 REMOTE - Douglas Castle.jpg

I recently noted a discussion on LinkedIn regarding IBM’s move to minimize remote working and to call its employees, from near and far, back to the office. This was what I read:

Why remote working will die.

IBM's recent move to call its remote workers back into the office has thrown into question whether telecommuting is more or less productive than being at one's desk. Studies on the topic have come out mixed but the Atlantic argues that with fast-paced technological change, and the complex problems that arise from it, workers may increasingly be chained to their desks • What are your thoughts on working from home? Join the conversation.

Nope. It’ll survive and thrive. Sorry Folks.

I beg to differ. The following factors will virtually [no pun intended here] ensure the survival (and even the expansion!) of remote working in the industrialized nations, and in particular, the United States, from which I am currently (remotely, via telecommute) working:

  1. The rise and growth of the Gig Economy. Many displaced employees and solopreneurs have become members of the ever-expanding Gig Economy, where an individual sells a specialized service (usually at a relatively low price per unit of service) via internet to clients (usually other individuals, entrepreneurs or small businesses). Platforms such as UpWork and Fiverr provide a medium for matching up providers and demanders of ‘job work’ of all different types.

  1. The increase in the retention of independent contractors by employers, in lieu of traditional full-time hiring. Employers are trying to limit their exposure and expense associated with taxes and providing insurance benefits for regular employees. This has led to an increase in the hiring of independent contractors and more courageous forays into the Gig Economy for employers. It has also increased outsourcing and offshoring activity.

  1. The Globalization of business - the prevalence of international business relationships even amongst small to medium-sized businesses. An increasing percentage of business communications are taking place via Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime and other remote media. And business is being conducted at all hours of the night and morning for many firms and individuals.

  1. Time efficiencies. Commutation to a physical location may cost several otherwise productive hours out of the day. Telecommuting (i.e., remote working) eliminates that wasted time and makes it available for productive use, or for valuable time with families in an overworked culture.

  1. Technological innovations. Holographic projections, anyone? As technology improves and provides ever-better means of communicating over distances, remote work will become more efficient and a great deal more effective.

While it is indeed true that there are greater opportunities for synergy, breakthroughs, interpersonal connection (i.e., body language, nonverbal communication) and spontaneity when people work together on-site, the factors in favor of remote working greatly outweigh the factors weighing against it. And you can expect the trend and tendency to continue.

And here is an interesting Google return for the search on Remote Working Statistics 2017. [CLICK ME]

Thank you, as always, for reading me. - Douglas